Wow, I haven't posed since Tuesday night. I've been slacking. It's been almost 3 days. Wow, lots of report. Wednesday was a typical closing day here at the Digest. I was here until 7. And of course, there was something going on that I was just too wiped to attend. Craig and Jason are off to Europe for 4 days, so they were all going out to give them a proper send-off. But I am always so wiped on Wednesday nights to do anything. Seems like everything gets planned for Wednesdays, things in Hoboken are always going on Wednesdays too. So I just went home and arrived just as LOST began.
LOST was fantastic as usual. So much to discuss Jack freaking out on Locke, Kate drugging him. I just love them together. But everyone just knows that Sawyer and Kate are going to end up hooking up before Kate and Jack do. They did already share that seedy kiss early in the season. But I loved Kate drugging Jack so he would finally get some sleep. She rocks. And then Sawyer's voice being the only noise that would calm Kate's new baby, Charlie called the baby turnip head since they still didn't have a name? How about demon seed? And Hurley always cracks me up. Trying to sing to the baby and then when that didn't work, Hurley was like, "That's all I got". And poor Shannon, she is upset over her brother's death. I can't wait till she tells Sayid, about her and Boone's true relationship.
Then onto my other fave, ALIAS. Yea, it's not the same as always. I'm not as obsessed as I always was. But it's still so great. I loved how the whole misson was about saving Jack. Poor Syd. Having to impersonate her mother and wow that doctor of Jack's was all a hallucination. I love when these shows shock me, especially since everyone knows, I am spoiler hore.
And there was so much more TV. And it was all about IDOL. SCOTT SAVOL IS GONE! YES, FINALLY! And I like this final 4, of course, I would have rathered Constantine be up there instead of Anthony. But still it's a good final 4. Go Carrie! And then there was that Primetime Special all about Corey Clark and Paula Abdul. And yes, he is doing this to get attention and be famous, and he is so skeazy. But I buy his story. How would he know where Paula lived? How would he have medicine prescribed to her? How would he have phone records from her? Who knows what really went on. But I of course love this salicious stuff. And now I've been hearing rumors that Constantine and her also had a thing. OH constantine!
So, last night was Cinco de Mayo. And it was a fun night. First, my bud Mandy came to visit the Digest office. It was so good to see her. Even thought she only stopped working here two weeks ago. But it feels like forever. And then the two of us went to have dinner together and Chevy's. It was so fun. And so great to just hang out outside of work and just chat. But it went by so quickly. And then it was off to Hoboken, to go home and change, and head out with roomie Adena and our friend Adrienne for Cinco de Mayo. But then we're trying to leave and the Nana episode of THE OC kept pulling us in. Seth Cohen got dragged into a spring break contest with some chick, and then that chick's boyfriend was gonna bust him up. Hysterical. So we finally leave, meet up with our friend Adrienne and two of her buds at the mile square cafe and then Tazzo. Tazzo was this really cool lounge-y bar with great sangria. It was a fun, chill night just chatting. And I got home by 11:15. But boy was I buzzing. From just, two glasses of sangria and an apple martini. And tonight begins a busy weekend. Birthday dinner for Erica's roomate Heather, dinner with Leslie tomm night and finally get to see her new pad and Mother's day BBQ with grandma, aunt, uncle and cousins. But I'll miss seeing Mom.