Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pickler: Bye Bye

Boy am I glad Pickler is gone. I admit, in the beginning I was sucked into her sob story as well. But in reality, she ain't that good a singer. The final 3 should definitely be Elliott, Chris and Kath. With Chris winning. I think the final two will be Kath and Chris. On another note, how kick ass was Alias. When Syd was trapped in the room with the chemicals spraying. But how the hell did they do that on a train and then there is no way in hell Syd could have found that detonator in the freaking water. But I love my Alias. But I need more Vaughn.

Back on the Idol front, I am so in for this year's covert mission, erica and karen....

And now that friday is upon us.. San Francisco here i come....

Monday, April 24, 2006

Oh, Bright.. what have you done?

Wow, Everwood was a great episode tonight. But Bright, what have you done. There was just a little trouble in paradise for Bright and Hannah.. and he goes off and has sex with the yarn store girl. But he already knew her. When was she on before? But he is going to break poor Hannah's heart.

And then to add to a great night of television, the evening began with Prison Break. And wow so good. First of all I just love the chemistry with Dr. Sarah and Michael. They are sizzling. But I think she is kind of broken hearted knowing that Michael used her to get her keys. But I know that Michael really has feelings for her. And Bellick found the hole and next week, the escape begins. So good.

Continuing the television thoughts. Last night's Sopranos was just eh. A little too much Artie Bucco. And disappointing that Christopher fell off the wagon in LA. Or has he been off the wagon this whole time. And stealing Lauren Bacall's swag. Loved it. It's so true. The celebs make millions and then they get everything for free. It's pretty ridiculous.

But I enjoy Big Love more and more every week. Definitely one of my fave new shows. It's so soapy and good. Ben so wants Margie! And Nikki is still taking the pill. That biyatch! And that Roman. Ugh I hate him.

On a note other than television, I had Karen's fabulous Hoboken Idol to celebrate her 29th birthday on Saturday night. And despite the pouring rain outside, it was so fantastically fun! I did my rendition of both Bye, Bye, Bye and Oops, I did it again, complete with choreography. Check out videos at Yeah I still suck at making links!!!

And I am off to San Francisco for a press trip on Friday! YAY! So I will be away for my blogiversary. April 29th will be a year. Can you believe it????

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I miss carbs!

I don't know how people do it. Go on these no carbs diets. I could never do it. I'm only doing it for passover. And I miss bagels, pasta, etc. You forget how many things you normally eat have flour in it.

But I did have a nice Passover weekend with the family at grandma's house in Marlboro, NJ. The family all came in from Ohio. And I spent Thursday night through Saturday afternoon. No laundry blowups from the sister in law. And Ellis was as cute as ever. Five minutes into the seder, and he was like, I'm done.

Oh and I'm finally going on a work press trip. It's in a week and a half from now. It's only for friday through sunday. But I'm going to San Francisco. I am so excited. I have never been there and I love Cali.

And Passover will be over by then. It ends Thursday night. So I can't wait to feast on bread this weekend. And Saturday night, is Karen's birthday bash. Hoboken Idol. Can't wait. But I'm deciding if I should go for my rendition of Nsync's Bye Bye Bye, which got rave applause at her bash in January. I pulled out my neck last time, doing the choreography. Yeah, I know. Stop laughing....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


So Passover starts tonight, which means I can't eat anything that has flour in it for the next seven days. Yea, yea a lot of people follow more rules like that like no legumes, no corn. But not me, as long as it doesn't have flour in it I will be eating it. And my family is coming to grandmas for the weekend so that will be nice. I'm leaving work early tomorrow and taking off on friday for it. But here are the top 5 things I will miss in the next week:

1) Bagels
2) Pasta
3) Cookies, Crackers, etc.
4) Sandwiches
5) Basically bread all around

But I plan to have a break the passover dinner out next wednesday, so anyone who wants to join!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Crazy Springtime

What is up with this weather. We had such a beautiful few days. Lovely warm weather and since yesterday, it's this yucky rainyness. I want my spring weather. Yea, I know it's early. But I'm ready for my sandals and tshirts!

So a week later, still no keys. But no matter, the locks were changed. It's just crazy, where could they be. Speaking of keys, I turned mine to the old Hoboken pad on Sunday. I went over to Boken to help Adena do the final clean of the apartment. And boy was I pooped when I was done!

And yesterday was the start of the baseball season. I admit I am catch a game once in a while type Mets fan. I haven't been into them majorly since the late 80s, early 90s. So I'm pretty clueless who is even on the team this year. My brother would be severely disappointed. But I am going to try to get into it more this year. I am going to my first game with Leslie on May 6. And they already won their first game last night. And since last season Karen did get me sucked into the Yanks. Hey, theyre in two different leagues, so as long as they're not playing the Mets, who cares if they do good. And all my buds love them, so I will check them out too. Except no YES network for me this year, but I get this random new Mets channel, SportsNewYork... Random? I get no Espn, no Yes.. but I get SNY? Who knows how Time Warner works...