Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weird people out there

Okay, so tonight after a fab night out in Hoboken with pals Karen and Rachel, I encountered some interesting groups of people on the PATH train back to the city. After waiting for 15 minutes for the train to come, I get on quickly and grab a seat, surrounded by this group of 5 black people, two of them dressed in the most slutty outfits I have ever seen. These were not small women and their boobs were just popping out of these horribly tight dresses they're wearing. And then I notice that the person each of these people is sitting with looks kinda dressed like a guy, but wait they are girls and then they start to making out with each other. And the 5th person was this big guy. Was he their pimp or just the fifth wheel on this lesbian double date. And then they got off at Christopher Street. It was all very bizarre. Then on the flip side, were they jappy girl groups. There were multiple groups of these girls with the straight brown hair, high black heels and either fancy jeans or little black mini dresses and no jackets. First of all how do they wear these insane heels all night and no jackets out in the city tonight. I was freezing with my damn jacket on. I just don't get it. My feet would be hurting just standing on the PATH ride, but then being out clubbing all night. Guess that's why I much prefer a night out to dinner with friends and then back to my warm apartment with my shoes off and no club music thumping in my head all night.


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