Can I tell you how much I just hate Hanukkah being so damn early this year. It started on December 4, what is that about. I am just not ready for the holidays this early. At least it's not as bad a few years ago when it started the day after Thanksgiving. But still it just creeps up on you when it's this early. And I don't even get to see my family during Hanukkah since it's so early. There was no point in going out to visit the family now when I get time off from work in less than two weeks. So me and the family will celebrate a belated Hanukkah together when I go out to see them at the end of the month. Mom will just have to make her latkes for me after Hanukkah already ends. I just enjoy the holiday a lot more when it is the same week as Christmas. It's more fun that way and everyone is enjoying their holidays all at the same time. But alas, it is Hanukkah and I will be having some friends over tomorrow night for some fabulous cookie decorating fun. Sugar cookies galore!
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