Thursday, August 31, 2006

All Good

The surgery is over. It's all good. YAY!

Good Thoughts

As my bronchtis continues to suck, I have learned my dad is having open heart surgery today, so everyone keep him in your thoughts and think positive prayers. This will be a long day.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This Sucks!

I have f-in Bronchtis! This sucks especially since I just had a bad cold three weeks ago. What kind of germs are out there. This is just ridiculous. I can't stop coughing every time I laugh or talk a lot. And I'm seeing Joan Rivers comedy show tonight with Erica, David, Craig, Dana and crew, which I'm sure will be hysterical, but probably painful to the chest. And then Leslie mentioned about going to her upstate house this weekend, but not if I feel this crappy. And then I'm working 7am on Labor day, but no biggie, I'll get the next day off!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Emmys Fun!

So here I am watching tonight's primetime emmys and it's a lot of fun. But of course I'll be reading about all of these people as I go into work tommorrow at 7am to work on our emmy pages. Should be fun! :) Evangeline Lilly and Wentworth Miller presenting now. Love her dress and damn that Wenty is hooott! And now that I've gotten hooked on 24 via Netflix. I am rooting for 24 along with big nominee Grey's Anatomy. OOO 24 just won best directing. Even thought it will take me until 2007 to get caught up to the current season, since season 6 starts in january and I am on the 10th episode of season 1!

As for my weekend, it flew by like usual. But I saw some good movies. First me and Leslie saw Trust the Man on Friday night. I loved it. And so much more than I thought I would. It was a lot funnier than expected. So many lines were muffled since the audience was laughing so much. Then yesterday, I saw Scoop, which I wanted to see after enjoying Match Point so much. And It was really good too. Another one I liked a lot more than expected. I've been seeing some really good movies lately.

And I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's yesterday via Netflix. Loved it. How have I never seen it. It's now one of my favorites and my first Audrey Hepburn experience. I loved Holly and Paul! And Paul was played by Hannibal the old guy from A-Team. SO Crazy! He was hot back in his day!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What the heck?!?

Okay, so like I said yesterday, Breakfast at Tiffany's was supposed to arrive yesterday to no avail. So I get home from work at 8:30 tonight, expected it to finally be here along with the on time arrival of my next disc of 24. So I open the mailbox and what do I find but only one netflix arrival. At this point I'm like, it had better be, because I'd rather Tiffany's be the one missing instead of 24, which I am dying to continue with this weekend. And lo and behold, 24 did arrive. But where the heck is Breakfast at Tiffanys? Now two days have gone by that it hasn't arrived. And went on Netflix to report the problem since I'm missing out on not having a 2nd movie this week but it's techinically not missing by Saturday. But netflix doesn't ship on the weekend, so by then I won't get a replacement till tuesday. Argh!

On a lighter note, I got home in time for the second half of Big Brother and James was booted. YAY! I so want Janelle to win this thing. She is by far the best player. As for more TV, Prison Break had it's season premiere Monday night and it was insanely good. You are just on the edge of your seat all hour. I also tivoed the new show after it, Vanished. It's okay. Haven't decided if it's a keeper yet. But Fox is smart with their premieres a month early. Smart move to get a jump on things.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Damn, Netflix

Damn, Netflix disappointed me. And so far, we've had such a loving relationship. LOL. No, seriously, Breakfast at Tiffany's was supposed to arrive today, but no go. So I guess I'll get it tomorrow along with 24, Season 1, Eps 9-12. I am so hooked already. And I've missed five seasons. I've never thought much of Kiefer Sutherland. But that Jack Bauer. Wow I just love him.

So we're getting off a week from work around the holidays. We get to pick either Dec 12-18 plus Dec 25-26 or Dec 20-26. I am totally going for the first. I am the typical jew who does nothing Christmas week. So I will be more than happy to work. Otherwise all I'll be doing is movies and chinese food. HAHAHA. And Dec. 12-18 works out perfectly for me since that's Hannukah, so I'll go see the family that weekend!

Did everyone hear Tom Cruise was booted from his Paramount contract? He is such a whacko. But he has been so quiet lately. Hiding fake little Suri I guess.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Let's Go Mets!....

All the way to the World Series win! Yes, I am getting pumped for this year's playoffs after the fantabulous game I attended last night at Shea Stadium. I went with Leslie and her fiance Brian and we had a blast even in the rain. It was '86 Reunion night and it was so much fun. We had a great view in our Loge Box seats as all the great players came out onto the field even though it was raining. Then the game rocked. We came from losing 4-0 to a rocketing 6th inning where they changed that to 6-4 winning in the that inning. And in between innings, all of this 86 trivia. What a fun night.

Then today, I went over to the Kips Bay Theater and saw what I will say is the best movie of 2006 so far. I saw Little Miss Sunshine and my god, I just loved it. It was sad, it was funny, it was cute. It was everything. Everyone run out and see it. I love that little Abigail Breslin!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mookie Wilson! Gary Carter!

What does these two guys have in common. Members of 1986 Mets winning World Series team of course. And they are having a reunion at this Saturday's Mets Game, so since it's going to be a quiet weekend, I said hey, I'll go buy a ticket. So I did. It's kind of exciting. Because back then I was 10 years old and we went to games all the time. So I knew the whole team. Strawberry, Gooden, Wilson, Carter, Hernandez, Dykstra, Darling. Unlike now, where I have only been to one game so far this season, so I'm not as up on it. But they are already rocking their way to the World Series just in time for the 20th Anniversary. Should be fun!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Gorgeous Weekend

The weather over this past weekend was my favorite ever. Just nice 70s and a nice breeze. And most importantly, no humidity. I went over to Hoboken on Saturday night and had dinner at Charritos with Erica and Karen. I love that place. I used to order in from there all the time when I lived in the Boken. Then I headed over to Adena and Drew's to meet up with Drew so we could head over to Bayonnne and see Adena playing Rizzo in a community theater's Grease. She was great. She tried out for American Idol yesterday at the Meadowlands, but they didn't take her. Bastards! She has a really good voice. But I really feel like people with good voices don't get through, because they're also looking for sucky people for the TV aspect of it.

Then on Sunday, I met up with Erica and Karen again to see Mona's play that was running the NYC Fringe Festival. It's called Girl Scouts of America. And it was so funny. And the actors were great. The play was on the Lower East Side. And then we ended up over in the West Village for lunch where we ate at Boxers. A great place, love their food. And this is the second time I'd been there. Me and Ken had stumbled upon it last year.

The next two weekends will be quiet as my usual crew will be heading out to Wisconsin to visit Tonya, who I can't believe has been there almost three months already!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


After traveling home from work tonight in torrential rain, I feel like doing this meaningless little survey that was on Dorothy's myspace and now Erica just did it on her blog.

42 of the MOST Random Questions Ever

1. Where were you 6 hours ago?
At work, busy closing the features.

2. Who will be your next kiss?
Hopefully someone in the near future

3. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
my pillow cases.

4. When is the last time you went to the mall?
5 days ago in Toledo with my mom. We had lunch at Chik-fil-A. Yummy. And then I shopped at New York & Company, Gap and Banana Republic.

5. Are you wearing socks right now?
No, I only wear socks in the winter.

6. When was the last time you went out of the state?
Two days ago. I flew back from visiting my family in Ohio.

7. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Nope. I planned to see Barnyard with my nephew, Ellis, but that didn't happen.

8. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Ice water.

9. What are you wearing right now?
Actually, only a towel. Woo hoo! I just got out of the shower.

10. Have you been in a car wash?
Not in awhile since I don't drive anymore being as I live in NYC.

11. Last food you ate?
Chinese food for dinner at work. Egg drop Wonton Soup, Moo Shu Chicken and a fortune cookie.

13. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Yup, at the mall last weekend.

15. What's the last sporting event you watched?
Umm..not in a while, I checked in on a Mets game last week.

16. What is/was your favorite class?
I loved all the magazine journalism courses I took at UMass.

18. Last 3 people's houses you were in?
My grandma's house three weeks ago, and my brother's house and my parent's house last weekend.

19. How old are your parents?
60- Dad. 58- Mom.

21. Do you miss anyone?
My family.

22. Last play you saw?
I saw The Wedding Singer on Broadway with my mom in June for my birthday. I am seeing my ex-roomie Adena playing Rizzo in Grease in Bayonne's community theater on Saturday night.

23. What are your plans for the day?
Well, since it's 10:22pm, I'm watching Windfall then some soaps, then sleep. I have be at work at 9am tomm!

24. Who is the last person you commented on myspace?
My college roomie Cara's.

25. Ever go to camp?
Yup, 4-H sleepaway camp and YMCA daycamp.

26. Were you an honor roll student in school?
No, I was always B-.

27.What do you know about the future?
I wish I did. Hopefully it's a great one with a great guy and a family.

28. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Nope, just showered.

30. Where is your best friend located?
I have a few. NYC, Hoboken, Jersey City and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

31. Do you have a tan?
It's summer, so yes!

32. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
Hopefully 33-35.

33. Do you collect anything?
Since sophomore year in college, it had been shotglasses, but I've kind of stopped.

34. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
knock on wood, not since september 1997 for speeding on my umass campus.

35. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Yes. But I hate soda.

36. How do you like your drinks?
Usually just water.

37. Do you like hot sauce?
Ugh, no.

38. Last time you took a shower?
10 minutes ago.

39. Who do you have a crush on?
No one really right now. :(

40. What is your mood?
Glad that tomorrow's friday.

41. Are you someone's best friend?
Yes, I think I am.

42. What's the last book you read?
It's been awhile. I've so behind on my gossip mags.

Netflix Rocks!

I am already hooked on Netflix. And I love it. I joined Netflix last week after prompting from all the members of my copy crew who are also on Netflix and I am so addicted. It's the greatest thing. Depending on what plan you pick, you get a certain number of movies at a time and as soon as you send one back in, it sends you the next one on the list. It's great! My first pick was Derailed, which everyone said was awful. Yea, it was dark and fucked up. But I liked it. Next on my queue is 24: Season 1. I have never seen the show, which would shock people since Alias was my number one show and they are similar. So we shall see. I have also added lots of old movies that I have never seen like Godfather, Sound of Music, Casablanca, etc. And I love the friends aspect of Netflix. You can link up with other people on Netflix, see what they're liking and get ides for future picks. So if anyone is on Netflix let me know and I'll add you to my friends list.

On a side note, who keeps checking my blog everyday using mindspring or earthlink. I am dying of curiousity!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Colds suck!

I blame my office, I do. I know it's the fact that we all sat in 85 degree heat while it was 100 degrees outside that caused this. My co-workers had gotten sick. And I knew my turn was coming. I spent my whole 4 day weekend in Ohio sick. First it was a sore throat, then a cough, now the full blown cold. And just a warning to anyone. Never get on a plane when you have a cold. Omg, the piercing pain I experienced beating through my ear drums as the plane descended into Laguardia last night. OMG.

And now I am back at work, feeling like crap. But I feel if I can just get through Friday, I can just go home and collapse all weekend. Except for Saturday night, where I will be heading over to Hoboken to have dinner with Erica and then go see my former roomie playing Rizzo in the Bayonne Community Theater's production of Grease! Should be fun. Maybe I'll actually be feeling better by then.

Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm Sick!

Ugh, this sucks. It all started late last week with me feeling a little congestion and then a little bit of a sore throat. I came out to Ohio on Friday to visit the family and it has just gotten worse. I feel like crap. I have an awful throat, nose congestion and chest cough. Now I return to NY tomorrow, and I feel like shit. Ugh this sucks! Of course, any other weekend, I could have been lying in bed doing nothing... ARGH!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy Friday!

TGIF! And the heat wave has finally broken. And I think they've finally done something with our A/c too. It's only 75 in here!!! But of course, just as I am heading to the airport tonight to go visit the family, I think I'm getting sick. Nose congestion, hurts to swallow. YUCK! But I just sucked on a cold-eeze and I'm going to go get some jamba juice with an immunity booster. I want to go swimming this weekend. So we shall see, here's hoping it's just a passing thing.

And my crazy sports nut brother has started his own blog, due to my influence. Check it out at I wish I knew how to do Links!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'm moving to Siberia!

That's it. I can't take it. I usually like summer and can handle these few hot, humid and hazy days. But this is non stop and the a/c still sucks at work, those two things are me bitch and moan rana. Looking forward to the central a/c at my parentt's house this weekend in ohio and the community pool at their temple. Me looking forward to 4 days in ohio? Weird, but true. So I had only had to work till 2 today, which is one nice thing this heat has caused.

As for my Saturday Yankees game with the copy crew. We had a blast even in the 95 degree weather. But the Yankees were killed, 19-6. It wasn't the mets, so I was disappointed for Karen and her crew, but no biggie to me. But we stayed till the end and had a blast, especially with Jason and his grandpa sunglasses. I personally think our next copy outing should be to see the David Hasselhoff Musical. Yea, it's true, our biggest inside joke is actually writing a musical about his life. HIlarious!

Not so hilarious is the anti-semite known as Mel Gibson. I was never a huge fan to begin with. Like I've seen a few of his movies, but nothing I ever loved. I thought Braveheart was a bore. And never seen Lethal Weapon. And I know he was anti-semitic when I heard about how anti-jewish his Jesus movie was, and his neo-nazi father claims the holocasaust never existed. Yea like we would make that up! But now he says horrible things about my heritage during a drunk escapade. Screw him. Like my mom says, we are all throwing out any movies of his that we own! Here's to that!