What the heck?!?
Okay, so like I said yesterday, Breakfast at Tiffany's was supposed to arrive yesterday to no avail. So I get home from work at 8:30 tonight, expected it to finally be here along with the on time arrival of my next disc of 24. So I open the mailbox and what do I find but only one netflix arrival. At this point I'm like, it had better be, because I'd rather Tiffany's be the one missing instead of 24, which I am dying to continue with this weekend. And lo and behold, 24 did arrive. But where the heck is Breakfast at Tiffanys? Now two days have gone by that it hasn't arrived. And went on Netflix to report the problem since I'm missing out on not having a 2nd movie this week but it's techinically not missing by Saturday. But netflix doesn't ship on the weekend, so by then I won't get a replacement till tuesday. Argh!
On a lighter note, I got home in time for the second half of Big Brother and James was booted. YAY! I so want Janelle to win this thing. She is by far the best player. As for more TV, Prison Break had it's season premiere Monday night and it was insanely good. You are just on the edge of your seat all hour. I also tivoed the new show after it, Vanished. It's okay. Haven't decided if it's a keeper yet. But Fox is smart with their premieres a month early. Smart move to get a jump on things.
Big Brother has gotten UGLY this year, everyone is stabbing eachother in the back, lying and turning on their "teams" that whoever is in the final 2 I think that everyone is going to despise for one reason or another. Good tv tho!
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