Monday, January 30, 2006

9/11 Movie

It happened. I tried to resist all I could but it sucked me in. At the start I flipped it on and then off. But it drew me back in. Damn them! Those phone calls. The whole movie was those phone calls. I just kept waiting for the "Let's Roll" one from Todd Beamer, knowing that the crash was coming and when it did, omg. My stomach is still rolling. Seeing them push through to the cockpit just as the nose of the airplane was nosing towards the ground. But I wonder how many lives those brave people saved. It seems like the original plan for that plane was to hit the capitol or the white house. can you imagine? or is the rumor true, did the goverment shoot the plane down, to save the people that would have been killed outside of that plane. It's nuts. And to think it's been 4 1/2 years since that dreadful day.

On a lighter note, my trip to Disney is in 4 days! Fun in the sun with Mickey Mouse for 7 days!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

My Power Color

Okay, so Erica has this Power Color thing on her blog and mine is:

Your Power Color Is Blue

Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.

I do like blue, it is one of my favorite colors next to lavendar, of course. And the description is so me. So that was kinda cool. As for me, it's been a quiet week and tomorrow is friday already. And I leave for Disneyworld a week from tomorrow. So I just want this weekend to be low-key. I need to start packing and catch up on my shows or else my Tivo will seriously explode while I'm away. As for TV last night, no real winners. Idol was just okay. No real amazing talent. And then on Lost, I just don't love the Charlie flashbacks. Yea, he was on drugs, yea he was in the rock band, yea his brother sucks. Nothing new. And all that just so baby Aaron would get baptised.. Eko's not even a real priest?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Copy Connection

Okay, like Karen has said many times, our copy crew at work really does have a cosmic connection. Art mentioned to us after Jason went home sick, that they were talking about whether Andy Griffith and Don Knotts were still alive. And after we deciphered from the the lovely that yes they are both alive. Andy is 80 and Don is 82. Art then goes on to discuss about how they should do a big screen movie of the Andy Griffith Show with the original cast. Now that would be fab.

And then tonight, I'm watching American Idol and what do I see but a commercial for this week's That 70's Show and guess who is guest starring but DON FREAKING KNOTTS. I tell you our copy department is somehow connected to the guy up there. It's so weird. Everyweird thing we discuss ends up turning up somewhere.

As for American Idol, I am just loving the audition segments this year. OMG, that skanky Lil Kim girl just cracked me up. And the girl with the high pitched voiced and cowboy hat. OMG. And the Michael Jackson freak. I just crack up. But I loved abandoned farm girl who lives with grandpa and the girl with THREE KIDS AT AGE 19. She was really good.

So I returned from Ohio last night. Nice and easy trip. Left Detroit at 1:40. Landed at 3:20 and was back in my apartment by 5! Very nice! 10 days till my Disneyworld vacation!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Live from Ohio...

It's Me! Yup, here I am in Ohio again. Flew in last night. And I am just here till monday morning. And that's plenty. Staying here a week over Christmas was way too much. I hit the mall today. Got some great deals at Banana Republic and New York & Company. And then I went and got a haircut. Guess what I had the mall. Only the best chicken ever. Karen and Erica, you girls know your chicken.

I got the chicken nuggets and the waffle fries, totally going off my strict diet rule of no fried foods. But mmm was that chicke tasty! My mom and dad loved it too. My dad was like, this tastes so different. It was so flavorful!!

Now I'm off to a home-cooked meal at my brother's house!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Golden Globes Time!

Yup, tonight the night. My favorite awards show! The Golden Fucking Globe Awards! That's a shout-out to my copy buddy Jason, he is all about me adding profanity to my blog!

Yes, I do love the Oscars as well. But the Globes are just even better, because they not only give awards to both TV and Movies, but in the movies category, we get drama and comedy awards. More on my predictions later.

As for my weekend, it was a fun one. After work, I went to see Match Point with Erica and Karen. It was so good. And so unlike a Woody Allen film. There's just so much to say, but I can't even say anything. You must go see this without spoiling anything about it. Just a great film and great performances all around.

Then on Saturday night, we had another Hoboken Potluck dinner. Karen, Alexa, my Popstar! friend Rachel along with others came over and the theme was Comfort Food. And boy was it good. Mac N Cheese, Fried Chicken, Cheesecake.. MMMMM! And then Sunday was my day to recover and do nothing.

But boy is it damn cold out and I wore a skirt today. And in just a little bit, I'll be heading on over to Craig's place for The Golden Globes Viewing Party. And here are my predictions! Go Brokeback and Walk The Line.. too bad Match Point didn't get more nominations! And the ones they did, it's up against Brokeback! Jonathan Rhys-Meyers should have gotten a nomination for Match Point. He was amazing! But I still want Heath Ledger to take it. Okay now onto my predictions.

Leaving out the documentaries and foreign films, since that's not my cup of tea!

Picture - Drama
Brokeback Mountain

Picture - Musical Or Comedy
Walk The Line

Actor In A Leading Role - Drama
Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain

Actor In A Leading Role - Musical Or Comedy
Joaquin Phoenix in Walk The Line

Actress In A Leading Role - Drama
Felicity Huffman in Transamerica

Actress In A Leading Role - Musical Or Comedy
Reese Witherspoon in Walk The Line

Actor In A Supporting Role
George Clooney in Syriana

Actress In A Supporting Role
Michelle Williams in Brokeback Mountain

Ang Lee for Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain

Original Score
Brokeback Mountain

Original Song
"A Love That Will Never Grow Old"
From Brokeback Mountain

Television Series - Drama

Television Series - Musical Or Comedy
Desperate Housewives

Mini-Series Or Television Movie
Into The West

Actor In A Leading Role - Drama Series
Patrick Dempsey in Grey's Anatomy

Actor In A Leading Role - Musical Or Comedy Series
Jason Lee in My Name Is Earl

Actor In A Leading Role - Mini-Series Or Television Movie
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers in Elvis

Actress In A Leading Role - Drama Series
Geena Davis in Commander-In-Chief

Actress In A Leading Role - Musical Or Comedy Series
Felicity Huffman in Desperate Housewives

Actress In A Leading Role - Mini-Series Or Television Movie
Cynthia Nixon in Warm Springs

Actor In A Supporting Role - Series, Mini-Series Or Television Movie
Naveen Andrews in Lost

Actress In A Supporting Role - Series, Mini-Series Or Television Movie
Sandra Oh in Grey's Anatomy

There you go!!! Enjoy the show and we'll see how I do!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Me = Tired

TGIF! Boy am I wiped? Late night at work and didn't get home till midnight. But it's already 2pm, so the weekend is almost here. Yahoo. I am all about sleeping in tomorrow. And I am planning to see Match Point tonight, or at least we are going to try to. But after that, I will definitely be making it an early night.

On the apartment note, I'm thinking it maybe end up being April when I'll be moving. It looks like I may be starting the hunt in february for that fab city apartment. Our apt. hasn't sold yet, but my roommate has decided to buy one.. and hers may go through by then. And I'd rather just move out on my own, then deal with a strange subletter for those last few months until a buyer is found. I'd rather to be a Manhattanite! So perhaps April will be my big move!!!

I'll be looking for a studio or 1 BR anyone in the city below 90s. All I require is nice building, elevator and big enough for a sep. bedroom area! Any tips are greatly appreciated! It's nervewracking.. lots more rent, living on my own and first time in the city. But exciting right?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Anyone Got A Knife?

Omg, I am ready to just take a knife and slick this muscle out of my neck. Really, I can't take it anymore. This thing has been hurtin since Sunday! I've been taking tylenol, putting on icy/hot cream and using the heating pad at home!!! ARGH!

On a lighter note, Gilmore returned last night. It really has been off a long time, the last episode was the thanskgiving episode, but I didn't notice too much. The amount of other shows I have on TIVO is craziness. But I enjoyed it. I've been hearing a lot of talk around the office how they hated the dress. And I didn't hate it, but it just wasn't Lorelai. That would so not have been her perfect dress. But I loved the Rory in therapy stuff. I actually rewound it on TIVO and watched it twice. How Rory went off about Logan and how she needs to avoid the coffee truck now and she loves coffee! Great! I just love the Gilmore rambling so far. But where were Emily and Richard?

And did anyone else realize that Sherilyn Fenn also played Jess's father's girlfriend in the almost Gilmore spinoff and now she's the mother of Luke's kid. Poor Lorelai. She finds out next week. Luke should have just told her!

More potential buyers are coming to look at our apt. tonight. But at least it's already mid-January. So April would be the earliest I'd have to move. Since once it's sold, they're required to give us 60 days notice. That's fine by me. It will be Springtime!

Monday, January 09, 2006

A Pain in the Neck!

Ugh, I am in agony right now. After a fun karaoke night at Karen's on Saturday night, where I did some inspired Bye, Bye, Bye Choreography, I woke up sunday morning with my right side of the neck just killing. But it wasn't too bad even when I went and met Karen and Erica for lunch at Panera in the Boken. But last night when I went to go to bed at like 10:30 since I had to be at work at 8am today, I was in so much pain. No matter what position I tried to lie in, I had no luck. And everytime I would start to feel asleep, I'd move and wake up again. This went on till 2am when I finally took Aleve, where I fell asleep until the lovely alarm went off at 6:30am. Can't wait to go home and take a nap. Except the realtor is bringing the first potential buyers to our apt. today at like 3. Great! My nap will be delayed then since I'll probably get to leave work at like 1. One of my coworkers even gave some of her icy-hot patches. It helped for a little bit, but now the pain is back! MwahhhH!!!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Slow day...

It's always interesting how after coming back from vacation, it always takes people a few days to kick into gear again. These past two days after work, sure have been slow ones. But it's all good. But like I always say, I much rather being busy. I actually enjoy working. Crazy right?

So I have now lost 15 pounds since I started eating better on October 10th. And people have really been noticing. For the past three days, at least one person at work has commented on how slim I look. YAY! It really gives you motivation, when people really begin to notice. Even my copy bud Jason noticed. He rocks! Now I would love to keep going and lost another 15! My abs is the worst area. But I've seen improvement. And I hate working out, but maybe I should just start doing some crunches to speed up the process.

And as many know, the owner of my apt. wants to sell it, so it looks like I will need to be moving in the next few months, which is kind of annoying. But it's not that bad since I was planning on finally moving to the city in October. Now I'll just be doing it a few months earlier. So I will be on the hunt soon enough, a decent size studio, alcove studio if possible, in a good area at a great price. Keep your ears open! It would be nice to avoid the damn realtor fee!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy 2006!

It's a brand new year! I had a wonderfully fun New Year's Eve hanging out with friends at Ken's place. And now we're all off to what will be a great new year. And so to start it all off, here's something I stole from Karen's blog. Yah, I suck at the links thing, oh welll.

Snatched this from Yankeebob because what better way to start a year than with a meme?

1. What did you do in 2005 that you’d never done before?
Hmmm, I got a job I love with great pay!

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I have the same one's as last year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes, my friend Lauren had her third kid in just over 2 yrs!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank god.

5. What countries did you visit?
Didn't leave the U.S. this year.

6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?
a boyfriend!

7. What date from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
July 14th! Started at my new job!

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting a great new job.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Not meeting a great guy.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
just the usual colds and coughs.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
my new computer!

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Various work parties... so work?

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
friends, who changed and disappointed me.

14. Where did most of your money go?
rent, and going out to eat and banana republic.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
office parties and hanging out with friends.

16. What song will always remind you of 2005?
Hollaback Girl and Since U Been Gone

17. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
putting myself out there.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
being shy.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
in ohio, with the fam.

21. How will you spend New Year’s?
I spent it with Ken, Karen and Erica. We had a blast.

22. Did you fall in love in 2005?
no, i wish.

23. How many one-night stands?

24. What was your favorite TV program?
Grey's Anatomy!

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
hate is a strong word, but friendships have changed.

26. What was the best book you read?
Traveling Pants.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

28. What did you want and get?
The new job.

29. What was your favorite CD of this year?
Kelly's new cd and Wicked Soundtrack.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Walk the Line and Brokeback Mountain

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
29. Had a blast out with friends and my mom flew in to surprise me.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
meeting the right guy for me.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
more stylish..

34. What kept you sane?
My iPod and TIVO!

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Michael Vartan!

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
damn bush and the war.

37. Whom do you miss?
my family..

38. Who was the best new person that you met?
the copy crew.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
taking a risk, pays off.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
hmm, tough one. I'm not good with lyrics.