Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Where does the time go?

This is a question that I think about all the time. It's just crazy how time and life just flys on by. Tomorrow is the last day of February. How was New Year's two months ago already! Not that I'm complaining, I am so ready for Springtime.

This question really stirred up in me on Saturday night. An old college friend who I had lost touch with when I graduated UMass saw my name in the OK! masthead and we started emailing. So she was in town this past weekend to visit another former UMass-er and we met up for a fun-filled evening of reminiscing. I graduated in May, 1998 so I could not believe that it had been almost 9 years since we'd seen each other. To think, I was only 21 then. Well I sure had changed a lot and so had she. There really is a difference between our 21 year old selves and 30 year old selves. But we had great time catching up. It just goes to show you, time may pass, but in reality, a lot of things always stay the same. It was great to have that good ol' college flashback for a few hours.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday is here!

TGIF everyone, and on this quiet friday, here's a fun poll I stole from Dana's myspace! Feel free to steal it!


1. Are you currently mad at someone?

2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
my dad

3. Have you ever thrown something at someone?
i'm sure i have

4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?
not really

5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or shout?
i think i just stare.


1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?
nope :(

2. Are you easily excited?

3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about? I'm going to Italy, three weeks from tomorrow!

4. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
cruise around the world.

5. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
being in my comfy bed.


1. Name:

2. When were you born?:
June 19, 1976

3. What's your main goal in life?
have a family of my own and live happily with hubby and kids.

4. Do you want to have children?:

5. How do you want to die?
not for at least 60 yrs


Are you against the following?

1. gay marriage?:

2. Lower the drinking age?:
yea, if you're 18, why not.

3. Capital Punishment?

4. Abortion?:
pro-choice. but I would never have one.


1. Do you love someone?
yes, i love lots of people

2. Do they love you?
i think so.

3. Are you taken?

4. Do you believe in love at first sight?


1. How many beds did u lay in today?
just mine

2. What color shirt are you wearing?

3. Name one thing that you do everyday?
talk to my mom

4. How much cash do you have on you right now?
i think like 40 bucks or so.

5. Is Tom on your Top friends list?
ignore. this is a myspace question.

6. Look to your left. What do you see?:
my co-worker Elizabeth.

7. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
It's been quite a while...

8. What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?:
aol.com and perezhilton.com

9. Do you have plants in your room?

10. Does anything hurt on your body right now?

11. When was your last taxi cab ride?:
when I moved, two weeks ago.

12. Do you own a picture phone?:

13. Recent time you were really upset?
A month or so ago when my mom had to have a cardiac test. Thank god, she's fine.


1. Person you saw?:
my co-worker and friend, Karen

2. Movie watched in a theatre?:
The Queen. It's been like a month! Must remedy that.

3. Song you listened to:
Britney Spears, Lonely on ipod shuffle. Kind weird with where the girl is at now.

4. Person you talked on the phone with:
my mom


1. What are you doing right now?
Just surfing the web, waiting for work to do.

2. What are you doing tonight?
Just chilling out.

3. What are you going to eat?
I have leftover pasta with a sausage tomato sauce I made.


1. Is:

2. goal:
run some errands.

3. Are you going to laugh:

4. What are your plans for the weekend?:
Going out on Saturday night with an old college friend who I haven't seen since I graduated, almost 9 years ago! Yikes. Then Oscars on Sunday!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Okay, maybe but not really. It's going to be 45 degrees today. Time to break out the sandals. Okay, I'm a little exciting just because it is above freezing and finally some of these mounds of snow and ice are starting to melt so I don't even mind getting dripped on when I pass under a melting snow-covered building. But if I'm this excited now, you just wait until it hits 50 degrees. We're getting there kids, springtime really is just around the corner.

And you know what else is really around the corner, my trip to Italy. It's less than a month away! A month from today, I will be already on my second day in Venice. It's going to be here before I know it and I'm sure over before I know it as well. But alas, that is how the cookie crumbles.

And tonight is when the real American Idol begins, but overkill like usual. 2 hours of the boys performing tonight, then 2 hours of the girl tomorrow with the results on Thursday. But I just love every second of it. My early predictons: Chris Sligh, Brandon Rogers and Lakeesha (sorry, her last name escapes me right now).

As for Britney shaving her head, one word of advice, girl, get some pretty wigs! And give me your fantastic comeback already!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Okay, maybe it's two months too late, but we are finally seeing some snow. I don't like the cold weather or anything, but I just want nice pretty snowstorm. And I have officially moved into my new apartment and it's fabulous. I just love looking down on this beautiful city from my 18th floor apartment all covered in white. It's so pretty! But tomorrow is gonna be crazy snow combined with freezing rain. I love this snow when I can stay in all day and enjoy it from the comfort of my warm pjs.

And just as I have moved in, I find out Ken and Julianna found a new apartment, a block away! How cool is that! It will be fun to have them as neighbors!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Chattering teeth

Brrrrr! It is too damn cold. This is what I hate about winter. This slicing through your skin cold. I wouldn't mind it if it was in the 30s with some nice pretty snow. But not this shit. It's like 11 degrees, but feels like -4 right now. That is just fucked up. How I long for those days of cute skirts and sandals. It feels like just yesterday when it was July and 110 degrees outside. Not that I want that extreme. I would love it to always be in the high 70s with a nice breeze. All I want to do is go home and get under my nice warm comforter. Even though home is right now is surrended by about 40-something boxes. I can't wait to move already! At least that is only a few days away! Yahoo for that!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Happy February!

Wow, January sure did come and go didn't it? I can't believe I closed on my new apartment over two weeks ago already. And I will finally be moving a week from today. It can't come soon enough. Today as I was about to leave for work, the bulb on my hallway light blew out. Damn you light. Like it couldn't wait a week longer! Now I'll have to get the super up there to fix it. Meanwhile I still have a bit of packing to do! And I'm kinda of feeling like crap today, so I am so ready to just go home and crash already!

In the meantime, how fabulous was Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy last night. Ugly Betty just gets better week after week. And I think Marc and Amanda are totally the new Jack and Karen. They crack me up! And I felt so bad for Meredith and her mother on Grey's. I can't image having to go through that. And then thinking you have your mother back and then she's gone all over again. God forbid that never happens!