Happy Halloween!!
Boy do I love this holiday, especially when I was a kid. Getting all decked out in the coolest costume imaginable and going trick or treating. But now as I am an adult, trick or treating is out, but I was happy to learn that my co-op building does trick or treating for the kiddies in our building, so it will be fun to see what cute little costumes they show up in. Even my office is getting into the holiday spirit this year, with a fun halloween party tomorrow. And I will be dressing up, you know how I love this kind of stuff. Some hints to my costume, one of my favorite tv characters from the 80s. No guessing if I already told you what it is!
And continuing with the Halloween spirit, I decided to make some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies to bring to work tomorrow. And I swear what went down in my kitchen, I could have sworned I was being filmed for Punked or something. So I am making my cookies, and then I go to get an egg from the fridge when I see I only have two left in that container, I say to myself, okay let me grab one and put the other in the egg holder on the door. And bam, I drop the container on the floor and smash go the eggs. So as soon as I clean that up, I go to get a bowl out of the cabinets to mix the flour and bam, a glass comes flying at the cabinet and smashes on the kitchen floor. This all happened in the span of 60 seconds. Are you freaking kidding me. It was like I was on Candid Camera or something. But alas, the cookies came out delish!
Everyone have a Happy Halloween tomorrow!!!