Happy Halloween!!

And continuing with the Halloween spirit, I decided to make some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies to bring to work tomorrow. And I swear what went down in my kitchen, I could have sworned I was being filmed for Punked or something. So I am making my cookies, and then I go to get an egg from the fridge when I see I only have two left in that container, I say to myself, okay let me grab one and put the other in the egg holder on the door. And bam, I drop the container on the floor and smash go the eggs. So as soon as I clean that up, I go to get a bowl out of the cabinets to mix the flour and bam, a glass comes flying at the cabinet and smashes on the kitchen floor. This all happened in the span of 60 seconds. Are you freaking kidding me. It was like I was on Candid Camera or something. But alas, the cookies came out delish!
Everyone have a Happy Halloween tomorrow!!!