Spice up your Life

Wow, my hearing is a little fuzzy since I just home from the Spice Girls concert at Madison Square Garden, but it was well worth it. They put on an amazing show, after all the money we spent on the tickets I was excited for it. But it surpassed my expections. The girls sounded great, looked great and the production on the concert was incredible. The best part had to be Posh. She cracked me up. All the girls had solos, but when it came time for Posh, she just walked the catwalk to Madonna instead of doing a solo. That is so Posh. But it was definitely a great night.
As for more in the music world, tomorrow night starts the real good part of American Idol. The Top 24 starts tomorrow and I've got some early favorites: Australian Michael, Carly Smithson and Nyesha Mercado. But one never knows what will happen especially the fact that four of these boys we've barely even seen. Only time will tell!