Monday, June 06, 2005

What A Steamer!

Okay, it's just the beginning of June and today it hit 90 degrees! It's now almost 11pm and it's still 77 degrees! Whew! Like I enjoy the warm weather like the next gal, but this is ridiculous. Last week it was chilly and rainy and then bam storm right into the summer. I prefer upper 70s with a nice breeze. And more 80s weather all this week. After friday Traveling Pants with the gals and dinner, I returned home to Hoboken in the lovely rain. Before diving into a game of pop culture trivial pursit from midnght to 2:30, with Drew and Adena. Drew won again. Then met up with Leslie for lunch in the city on Saturday. We met in times square since it's halfway and found a really cute italian place on restaurant row on 9th avenue at 44th street. But the sun was baking down on us as we strolled around the city. It so iped me out that i passed out from like 6-7. Before meeting Ken for a late dinner in Newport at like 9:30 followed by some gelato. Ken wanted a frap but would you believe they were out of frap mix! Today was just a lazy day of just chilling on the balcony, enjoying the sun and finished the Pants book. I loved it, so good! Can't wait for the next one. And watched the Tonys just now. I have not seen any of these new shows, oh well. And we began spring cleaning. Switching our sweaters for our summer clothes. Yeah! Summer has arrived. If only it was not with such a big boom!


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