Thursday, June 02, 2005

I'm Back!!!

Wow! I have been gone since Friday night in Ohio visiting the fam. I spent 4 1/2 days there and boy it went fast. But it was a nice time. Just tough that they're all there together and here I am in New York where we all used to live. Oh well. One never knows what road we will all take. But it was a nice time. My grandma flew out too from Jersey. I actually flew back with her today. I was originally on a flight to LaGuardia, but got on her Newark flight. And I got home so much faster, since I only live 14 minutes from there. I got to Ohio friday night, they kept Ellis up until we got there. And he just ran into my arms when I walked into the house. Then Saturday we took him to see Madagascar and out to dinner. What a cute moive that was. First movie I took him too. He enjoyed it. But then he kept turning to me and saying, can we go play games now. So cute. Then on Sunday, we had Ellis's 3rd bday party, even though his birthday wasn't until tuesday. His theme was hot wheels and he was so cute. Then that night, me and my brother Keith went to a Mudhens game. Ellis was supposed to go too but he was too pooped from his big day. Disappointing, but we still had fun. Monday, I babysat Ellis so Keith and Shan could go see Star Wars. We played in the backyard, and just hung out. I was putting him down for his nap, and then I started to get up, and he said, cuddle me for five more minutes. The cutest. Then since it was memorial day, we had a big BBQ at my parents house. And then Tuesday was Ellis's birthday. We took him to IHOP and they sang to him. It was so loud, he covered his ears. Then me and mom said we had a surprise for him at the mall, and he says, what kind of prize? So cute. We took him to build a bear in the mall. And he made his own stuffed cat. Named him tiger. And they sang to him there too. Then back to dinner and birthday cake for Ellis's actual birthday night. Then today was mom's birthday, we had lunch out all together and then it was off to the airport. And now here I am back in Hoboken, returning to work tomorrow and boy did that trip fly back. But boy it feels nice to be home!


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