Monday, November 07, 2005

Potluck Partay!

So we had our first offical Potluck dinner on Saturday night. And it was so much fun, and we so much food. We had wine, sweet potatoes pie, candied yams, cheesy potatoes, spinach kugel, spinach dip, three apple desserts, eggplant rollatini. I could go on and on. It was a lot of fun. And it was cool how the conversations go when it's all hobokeners hanging out. From where the best fish place in town is to the crazy lady with no teeth at A&P. It was cool. And then we broke into karaoke and the played a game of Outburst. The hardest question of the night: name non-car products from Japan. It's harder than you may think. And after a little too much wine, I broke out into some karaoke. I went full-out on Love Shack. LOL. Can't wait for our holiday party that we're planning for Saturday, December 10.

Friday night, me and Erica finally took Dorothy out for her birthday dinner. We went to this fab Spanish place in the West Village called Sevilla. And the food was delish, along with that pitcher and a half of Sangria we had. But I was kicked myself yesterday, because I knew that it was going to screw up my diet. So tried to be really good yesterday, since I have my weigh-in today. And I stayed exactly, the same, to the exact point. Isn't that crazy. I guess even though I was bad all weekend, I was good all week, so I maintained. YAY for me. But I need to do better. It's been 4 weeks and I've only lost 4 pounds!! Oh well.

As for TV last night, DH was so much better than it has been in the past few weeks. I know everyone has been ragging on it, how it's not as good as least season. But last season was so incredible, how could they really keep that up. But it's still in my top 10, if not my top 5 of shows. And I really enjoyed last night's show. Especially at the end, when all the ladies were coming out to comfort Susan. And I just hope George did not rape Bree and Gabby needs to start looking pregnant already. Come on!!

As for Grey Anatomy's which is now my total favorite show next to Lost and Alias, it rocked as usual. I loved how Burke finally went and told the Chief about him and Christina. Shows how much he truly cares for her. And their story for next week looks really good. So funny how he's seen her naked a million times, but never outside the hospital. I wonder if this stuff goes on in real hospitals. And I am so sad for Meredith, go Bailey for standing up for her. "Let her mend!" But yay for McDreamy not holding the slutty wife's hand in therapy. And next week, they have a moment in the elevator. Can't wait. But ew about pregnant guy, his tumor was the size of a baby? EW.


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