Rain, Rain Go Away!
Ugh, what is up with this damn rain. I got poured on all last weekend. And then it began again yesterday! But today was the rest of all, we've already gotten like 5 inches of rain. And this morning was awful. Stomping through torrential rain. And boy was Hoboken flooding. Ever corner was ankle deep in water so my sneakers and my jeans got drenched. Ugh so gross. And then again when I came home.
But I got out at lovely 3pm since Yom Kippur started tonight. I got home just before 4 and finishing cooking our big dinner tonight and then the roomie got home from work just before 5. And boy did we mange. We had brisket, potatoes, asparagus, broccoli casserole, soup, challah. yummy. And It's a good thing because I can't eat again till tomm night when I'll go to my aunt's house in marlboro, nj. But it will be nice to sleep in tomorrow and have the day off even with fasting. and then it will be friday. How nice is that? But I do have the lovely 7am shift on monday morning at work.
And Lost was nothing spectatular this week. Yeah, it was cool seeing the other side of the island and finally meeting rose's husband. But what was the big deal with Hurley's buddy, why was he so freaked out just because his bud won the lottery. Funny that it was DJ Qualls from Road Trip playing the friend. I actually interviewed him once when I worked at popstar. How funny.
But loved Gilmore Girls last night. Go Gilmore Elders with finally telling off the Huntzbergers. It was so awesome. Now let's get our girls back together already. Richard goes to see Lorelai next week! Can't wait.
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