Clutz Central
Okay, so for those of you who don't know. When I went to Boston last week, I dropped my f-in laptop on my foot when I was unpacking. And it swelled at first and was sore, but I though heck it was just a bruise. But today it's still bothering me, a week later, so I decided to head over to a podiatrist and get it checked out. Luckily, no broken bones, but he did say it was a bad contusion and it should be supported, so he put me in an effin soft cast. I'm so annoyed. So for the next week, I'll be making my way around the city in this damn thing. Hopefully for my return visit in a week, I'll be able to take it off.
Meanwhile, I celebrated the fabulous Mona's birthday in the Village at Benny's Burritos last night. After a delish dinner, I hopped in a cab and it had these cool computer screens. Has anyone seen this? It was my first time in a cab that had them. I think it's pretty cool and it seems like you can use a credit card to pay too. I'll have to try that out sometime.

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