Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Where The F Are My Keys?

Okay, it's been driving me crazy since Friday. I lost my keys. I had gone to Duane Reade on Friday night and came back home. And then I go to run out on Saturday afternoon and my keys are nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere. In everything, behind everything. I even looked in damn oven. They have disappeared. So then I am like could I have left them in the door and could someone have taken them. I really don't think so. But then where the hell are they. 4 days later and they still haven't turned up. So to be safe, I'm having the super change the lock while I'm at work today. ARGH!!! It totally ruined my Saturday looking for these damn things. But luckily the super always has a copy and I also a copy at work. But still. So annoying. Otherwise the weekend was good. Ken, Karen and Erica came up to my hood to go out to dinner on Friday night. We ate at Cortina, this italian place. It was mmmmm good. And then on Sunday, I had brunch with Dana and David. They are always so fun. We tried going to eat at Eatery, but it was so packed. So we just went for the Renaissance Diner instead.

Then last night, there was some good television to be had. Prison Break is just sooo good. I am always on the edge of my seat, it's like watching a non stop thrilled movie. And I know everyone thinks Wentworth Miller is the hottest. But his brother, Dominic Purcell is the one for me. And I also had two hours of Everwood to suck me in last night. Boy I missed that show. It hasn't been on since December! And it's such a quality show. Here's hoping the stupid CW doesn't cancel it next season.

Idol tonight. Songs of the 21st century. That should be interesting....


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