Where has the Summer Gone?

Seriously guys, someone tell me. Because how is it officially that time of year where summer is over. Labor Day was yesterday, I worked but I'll get a free day off, which I'll save for Yom Kippur at the end of the month. It always bugs the hell out of me wasting my vacation days for the jewish holidays. But with Rosh Hashanah, just two week s away, I'll be able to go see the family for a nice four day weekend. It will be nice to see them after all this stuff with dad. And now we come to find out that today they are putting a pacemaker inside of him. What is up with this? Just let the poor man go home already. Here's hoping he does just that by the weekend. And I was like, can he still use a microwave? But I think that's an old wive's tale. And like my buddy Jason says, "It comes from the Krusty the Clown episode of the Simpsons. When they thought Krusty robbed the QuickiMart, but it couldn't have been him, because the video showed the guy using a microwaves, and Krusty had a pacemaker!" So that's where I got that idea from! LOL.
And can you believe it about Steve Irwin! It's so sad! I was truly saddened yesterday when I heard. And to think it was a damn stingray. He must be pissed, like if he was going to go, you would think it would have been a croc!
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