Thursday, August 10, 2006

Netflix Rocks!

I am already hooked on Netflix. And I love it. I joined Netflix last week after prompting from all the members of my copy crew who are also on Netflix and I am so addicted. It's the greatest thing. Depending on what plan you pick, you get a certain number of movies at a time and as soon as you send one back in, it sends you the next one on the list. It's great! My first pick was Derailed, which everyone said was awful. Yea, it was dark and fucked up. But I liked it. Next on my queue is 24: Season 1. I have never seen the show, which would shock people since Alias was my number one show and they are similar. So we shall see. I have also added lots of old movies that I have never seen like Godfather, Sound of Music, Casablanca, etc. And I love the friends aspect of Netflix. You can link up with other people on Netflix, see what they're liking and get ides for future picks. So if anyone is on Netflix let me know and I'll add you to my friends list.

On a side note, who keeps checking my blog everyday using mindspring or earthlink. I am dying of curiousity!!


Blogger Keith said...

Please don't curse on your blog - kids may be reading.

Ha Ha.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Rana said...

I'll try my best.. I think we've got a ways to go till Ellis is reading...

6:40 PM  
Blogger Movie Guy #1 said...

You're right, Netflix does rock!

10:12 PM  

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