What A Rip-Off!
Okay, so like everyone knows, it's Passover this week and it doesn't end until Sunday night. Okay, okay, I'm ending a day early this year, in honor of my carb-fest party on Saturday night. But I am being good until then. So anyways, I walking by this french cafe near our office and they have matzo brie! So I just went and got some for lunch today, and it cost $7.50. And there was hardly anything. I finished in like 5 bites! Ripoff! So no more of that.
And this day just started off on a crazy note. I always set my alaram for 8am, seeing as how I don't have to be at work until 9:30. Well I am a snoozer, I usually get up on the second snooze. But this morning, it never went off again! And all of a sudden, I open my eyes and it's 8:40! I normally leave at that time. So I booked it, caught a bus at 9 and got here only 10 minutes late. In the pouring rain of course, and with no umbrella. Thank the lord, my jacket had a hood!
And last night was a crazy TV night. I was at belly dancing class, so I had to TIVO Gilmore and Veronica, tape Idol and Amazing Race and watch One Tree Hill live. Whew! Tuesday nights have become ridiculous. And tonight is Lost/Alias night! My faves! Yeah, I know, I'm a TV nut.
Ugh, and I was finally able to post this after Blogger crashed all afternoon!
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