Monday, April 25, 2005

The Beginning

So here it is, my first official blog. I know that the blogs are like the new thing for 2005. So I figured I'd give it a shot, and heck I promised Erica and Dorothy, now that they sent me theirs. And I'm trying to get my friend Mandy to do it too! So today I've been stressing that I left the iron plugged in. Ever get that moment when you know you unplugged it, but once you're at work, you're thinking crap, did I? So I just called the roomie, who said she was home at 11:30 and didn't smell a thing. But still the mind still keeps going? Otherwise, it's been running around crazy. And just came back from a crazy weekend with the family. More about that later. I'm in the middle of a special issue here at work and must get back to Salem world. More later!


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