Monday, January 08, 2007

Smell that?

Can you all smell that? Supposedly there's some kind of gas leak going on in the Chelsea area of Manhattan and we can smell it all over the city. I work in midtown and I can smell it in my building. Ugh! It's nauseating.

But on a more enjoyable city note, Saturday was the most glorious January day ever. It was 72 degrees here! Yup, you heard me right. It was awesome. I was out and about in a t-shirt, jeans and sandals and I was warm! But this does worry me somewhat. Will it be snowing in April.

And I finally saw the fabulous Dreamgirls movie on Friday night with Ken and Karen. I loved it. Especially that Jennifer Hudson in that song, And I'm Telling you I'm not going!" Wow, my mouth was agape for that entire performance. And our audience kept applauding her. Beyonce was surprisingly very good too. Better than expected as was Eddie Murphy. I saw many awards for this flick coming down the pipeline for awards season!


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